Expand your client base and train with our fantastic new courses. Hands Free Massage focuses on using the forearms and elbows to save the therapists wrists, hands, fingers and thumbs and can easily be blended into a ‘normal’ massage routine, or as a stand-alone treatment drastically cutting down the risk of RSI associated with long term use of the hands in massage.

The aim is to expand your skills and freshen your approach, to help you be more effective when applying pressure while saving your hands, thereby helping you to maintain your career.

Hands-free massage can help relax or rejuvenate, release tense muscles, increase blood circulation and improve detoxification. Using the soft, inner part of the forearms enables you to spread the pressure over a much wider area than is possible with traditional massage techniques. Muscle fibres can be worked smoothly and easily, helping to ease away any tension, adhesions and knots. It delivers a treatment that will make your clients feel that their tensions have been ‘ironed’. Their muscles will feel less tense and muscular dysfunction to deliver a therapeutic, deep but relaxing massage.